What are the indications that you might not truly love your partner?

Long-term relationship building is not an easy process because there will always be challenges along the way. This involves losing the sensation of love for the relationship, which will later cause several additional issues.

The spark vanishes as soon as you start to realize one other's weaknesses in a relationship. The relationship steadily dissolves if you don't actively address problems as they arise and find solutions along the way.

Here are 7 tell-tale signs that will let you know when the spark has gone out.

1. You feel uncomfortable when you hear 'I Love You'

Saying words of love is a normal thing in addition to proving our love for our partner. He definitely makes you feel a little awkward or guilty when he declares his love for you. Why? Actually, you don't feel the same. It is clearer that the love you previously felt is fading away the worse you feel when he says it. When someone doesn’t truly love us, however, several concrete signs could signal the end and a bright new beginning.

2. You don't care about solving the problems

When a relationship ends, difficulties just get worse. You may not be interested, but he may want to attempt to make things right. You don't give a damn what happens. In fact, if everything just crumbled, you'd be happy. You may avoid the hassle of breaking up with him.

3. Focus on weaknesses, not strengths

Instead of noticing the qualities that make you love your mate, you will start to perceive his flaws as a reason to keep hating him. This is a clear sign that love in the heart has faded. Since nobody is perfect, having occasional negative thoughts about your relationship is entirely natural. However, if you find that your thoughts about your partner are primarily negative, this may indicate a change in your relationship.

4. You always put your family and friends over your partner.

Being in love is obvious when you make your relationship a priority in your life. Therefore, it could be a warning sign and an indication that your partner is no longer as essential to you as your partner once was if you find yourself spending more time with your family, kids, or friends rather than with your significant other.

5. Refuse to talk about problems

If you always try to avoid conflict or deal with a problem in your relationship, this also shows that you no longer care about what will happen in your relationship. This is due to your perception that your relationship with your partner is no longer significant. It indicates that you don't care enough to put up a battle for yourself, your beliefs, and the message you want to get over in a relationship when you do not feel the need to do so. Basically, you've given up because you're tired.

6.  You don’t plan dates.

Making memories with the person you love is fun through dating. A date doesn't have to be complicated; it may be something as easy as going on a hike or having a picnic in the park. The main goal is to spend time together doing something special. You might be falling out of love if you no longer enjoy going on dates and sharing those experiences with a partner.

7. Butterflies no longer exist.

Every relationship needs maintenance, so you might have to work a little more to keep things exciting and engaging by making time for quality time, doing new things as a couple, or even switching up your sex life. However, if you've worked hard to reignite a flame and still don't feel butterflies, you could not be romantically in love any longer.

You can seek counseling to let go of the emotions that come in the way if it's still possible to save your relationship so that you don't end up defending yourself in a way that alienates your partner. 

Remember this, life is too short to be unhappy, don't waste it. Cherish every moment, and do the things you love. Love the people who love you, and also who don't......😘😘😘

So, get out and explore, love, laugh, and enjoy the moment here.

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